Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Attracting Women According to David DeAngelo - Dude - PUT AWAY The Star Wars!

Learning how to attract women is always a huge dating advice request that I get, and one of the things that David DeAngelo addresses very commonly in his newsletters and programs. I really like one of the premises for attraction that David DeAngelo addresses in his Double Your Dating eBook, though – and it is how YOU can develop a personality that is irresistible to women.

In case you have not read the Double Your Dating eBook, this is on page 48. What David DeAngelo discusses is the fact that in his experience, it is FAR better to ATTRACT a woman than to chase one. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, if the woman is attracted to you, half the battle is won, and you don’t need GI Joe to tell you that.

It’s like selling a car to someone who has already asked about it, rather than cold calling the dude up the street and saying hey, you wanna buy a car?

Ok – so women are attracted to guys for certain reasons – and when these reasons are triggered inside her, it’s on. You can learn to specifically trigger these trip-wires with certain behaviors on YOUR end that attract women, regardless of your looks.

After all, attraction is not a CHOICE; it is a genetically wired thing.

One of the key things that you can do to help fire off these attraction mechanisms, according to David DeAngelo, is to be “Different in a preferential way” (David DeAngelo, Double Your Dating, p 48). I love this phrase.

In order to be different in an attractive and magnetic way, you need to take a look inside yourself, and decide first of all what your best characteristics are. And man, knowing all the characters on Star Wars is NOT an attractive characteristic to a woman. I am talking about humor, wittiness, charm, charisma, strength, intelligence and other positive characteristics.

You might be thinking, well, I really have NONE of those! Ok – first of all that is alright, second, you are not alone and third, you can do something about it. Learn. Study. If you want to be a funny or witty guy, study Cocky Comedy. If you want to be poetic and expressive in an intelligent way – read some poetry, some classic novels, study essays and writings and give it a go yourself! If you want to BE charismatic – study people who ARE charismatic and learn from their demeanor. Learn the confidence, the body language; practice it in the mirror and EVERYWHERE you go. It will soon become second nature.

Learn to be a LEADER. Read books on it! (I will be getting a book list up soon on my website which will have a selection of recommended books from David DeAngelo’s reading list as well as many others to help you on your way.)

On my next post, we will be talking about your two biggest enemies – insecurity and neediness – and what these two insidious attraction killers look like to women, so stay tuned for that!

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